Financial reports & VFM

Our latest Value for Money reports, financial statements and payment statistics

Value for Money (VFM)

Over 80% of our income comes from the rent we receive from our homes and housing service. As a sound and transparent business, we publish our annual accounts to show what we spend and regular VFM reports.

Every decision Salix Homes makes ensures it is meeting at least one of the following outcomes:

  • making sure we provide high quality services
  • investing in our assets
  • improving the quality of life of our customers
  • making efficiencies when appropriate


Payment statistics

Financial year 2022/23:

Period 2023
Total no. invoices: 20,327
Paid within 30 days: 18,195
% Paid within 30 days: 89.5%
Average credit days taken: 29


Reports, policies and transparency

Reports, policies and transparency

Salix Homes reports and business information

Reports, policies and transparency
Our Vision and Values

Our Vision and Values

How and why we do the things that we do

Our Vision and Values
Our Promise to You

Our Promise to You

The Salix Homes Customer Charter

Our Promise to You