Report an issue

Report a problem about your neighbours, neighbourhood, building or estate

Let us know, whether you need help yourself, or to report an issue in your neighbourhood.

You can report an issue online, then follow the progress of your case for updates.

You can also tell us anonymously if you wish, but we can only keep you updated if you leave your contact details.

Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour

Information about anti-social behaviour (ASB), and what to do if you're being affected by issues in your neighbourhood.

Read more

Other issues:

To tell us about something that could be a fire or structural safety concern, please visit our Safety in your home pages.

Domestic violence and abuse can have a devastating and long term effect on the lives of survivors, their children and the local community.

We will take steps to help and support anyone suffering from or threatened with violence and abuse.

Report it through MySalix

Keeping the places we all live and work in safe, and looking great, is really important to us. You can help by letting us know when things aren’t as they should be.

Environmental issues include:

  • fly-tipping
  • graffiti
  • littering

Report it through MySalix


Keeping where we live and work safe and looking great is really important to all of us. You can help by letting us know when something needs putting right, such as:

  • an abandoned home or abandoned vehicle
  • a property or garden looking neglected
  • parking issues
  • subletting of a home

Report it through MySalix


Tenancy fraud can include a person not using one of our properties as their main home, selling keys to the property, or allowing people to live there who aren’t entitled to.

It’s vital that the safety of our customers is not put at risk, and social housing is not abused. Our officers investigate tenancy fraud by carrying out spot-checks and tenancy audits.

Report it through MySalix

Let us know, so we can help

Report an issue online. We'll quickly look into things, and keep you informed if you leave your details.

Tell us through MySalix


Making sure our tenants and neighbours are free from any harm

Safety in your home

Safety in your home

Safety in our buildings and reporting concerns

Safety in your home
Local support and resources

Local support and resources

We work closely with organisations across Salford to support our customers to live, grow and thrive

Local support and resources