Your New Home

Customer Satisfaction Survey

New Home Customer Satisfaction Survey

At Salix Homes we care about our customers, and we take pride in our mission to provide high quality, safe, inclusive places to live.

Your opinions are important to us. By completing this form, you can let us know what we are getting right and what we can improve on.

"*" indicates required fields

Your home

1. Was your new home clean and ready to move into?*

2. Were you satisfied with the overall condition of your property?*

3. Do you understand how to use all the appliances in your new home?*

4. How satisfied are you with your new home?*

5. Do you have any damp or mould in your home?*

6. Is there anything you feel we could do to improve our homes?*

Our service

7. Did the allocations officer go through your responsibilities as a tenant with you before signing for the property?*

8. Are you satisfied with the service provided by Salix Homes?*

9. Is there anything you feel we could do to improve our service?*

10. Were you treated fairly and respectfully?*

11. Were your views listened to and acted upon?*

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