Repeat fly-tipping culprit caught by Salix Homes

Salix Homes has caught a repeat fly-tipping offender after finding post which revealed their name and address in a bag of rubbish.

After a tenant posted her frustrations about fly-tipping on Salix Home’s Facebook page, our Environmental Services team stepped in to catch the culprit.

The tenant reported that the area outside her mum’s back gate in Weaste was repeatedly being used as a dumping ground by an inconsiderate neighbour.

The next day, the team arrived to clear the path and search for clues. After searching through the pile of rubbish, they found several items containing the perpetrator’s address.

The offender, who was another Salix Homes tenant, has now been issued with a tenancy warning and will face enforcement action if they do not change their behaviour and continue to dump their rubbish illegally.

Environmental Services manager Maria Lester “Fly-tipping is one of the biggest issues my team faces. There really is no excuse for this lazy and selfish crime.

I would like to thank my team for the fantastic job they did clearing the area and identifying the culprit.”

The grateful tenant contacted Salix Homes to thank the team, saying she was “amazed at the excellent job they did.”

Salix Homes has previously caught eight tenants in the space of a week, in a clampdown on fly-tippers known as Catch the Culprit. Salix Homes launched the Catch the Culprit campaignin 2018 as part of Love Your Neighbourhood week. The annual week aims to encourage people to take more pride in where they live.

All the perpetrators that were caught-out during the week of action were identified as Salix Homes tenants and were handed tenancy warnings. One of the culprits removed the dumped waste themselves, while the others were charged for the removal costs.

Maria added:Salix Homes takes fly-tipping extremely seriously, and we hope that this story shows that if you’re dumping rubbish in our communities, we will do everything in our power to track you down and hold you accountable for your actions.”

Both tenants and members of the public can report incidents of fly-tipping directly to Salix Home’s Environmental Services team using the MySalix customer service portal. If you have an account, you can also sign in at any time to get updates on the progress of this report. Report an issue on