Salix Homes Community Champions - The Fed
As part of Salix Homes Community Champions initiative, which celebrates community groups in Salford, we paid a visit to the Jewish Federation – a leading social care charity offering help and support to the Jewish community in Greater Manchester.
From the organisation’s headquarters Heathlands Village, the Fed offers advice and support to people facing social care problems. They are there for people of all ages for those who live on their own, single parents, couples, families or carers.
The Fed’s own Community Advice and Support Team or CAST offers one-to-one advice and support and runs its community groups.
CAST support is in addition to the support available from local councils and the NHS.
Raphi Bloom is the head of fundraising at the Fed and tells us about some of the difficulties the organisation faces and some of the amazing work they do and how proud he is of the staff who show so much dedication on a daily basis.
Watch our video to find out more about the Fed.